JKA Scotland is a non profit making organisation with association funds being used to benefit the members with regard to support for courses and competitive events. All elected National Committee members and office bearers give their time voluntarily.

JKA Scotland is a democratic association with Dojo’s and Students around Scotland whose members practice Shotokan Karate as taught by the Japan Karate Association. The association is run by a National Committee of elected office bearers whose role is to take care of the organisational needs of the association and the welfare of the members.

All members have access to the various courses and events that are organised by JKA Scotland which take place regularly throughout the year at various locations around Scotland. Members also have access to the various national and international events organised by the Japan Karate Association and its other affiliated associations in various countries along with the events organised by the Scottish Karate Governing Body.

JKA Scotland Affiliations

Japan Karate Association World Federation (JKAWF)
JKA Europe
Scottish Karate Governing Body (SKGB)

Elected Office Bearers:
Chairman: Alan Simpson
Secretary: Paola Burrows
Treasurer: John Deans
Child Protection Officer: Paola Burrows

North Region Officer: Alan Simpson
East Region Officer: Susan Campbell
South/West Region Officer: John Deans

Squad Manager and Coach:
John Deans

JKA Scotland Senior Members:

6th Dan JKA (Rokudan):
Alan Simpson
Marty Sommerville

5th Dan JKA (Godan) :
Bert Stewart
John Deans
Jim Murray
Gordon Williamson
Drew Rankine

4th Dan JKA (Yondan):
Angela Baigrie
Alan Bown
Andrew Hamilton
Drew Kennedy
David Osborne
Helen Paterson
Paola Burrows
Richard Flynn
Stuart Jamieson
Susan Campbell
Magnus Garson
James Campbell

3rd Dan JKA (Sandan):
Theresa Roper
Calum Medine
Graeme Esson
Sam Ross
Alan Lockhart
John Douglas
David Grant
James Sinclair
Sue Struthers
John Lunn
Peter Kerr
Andrew Barclay
Grant Reekie
Paul Watson
Scott Morrice
Calvin Bruce